Make a Contribution

You can help Rock in Prevention save the lives of young people by preventing bullying, alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, and help kids learn the skills they need to be successful in life. Your donation will help provide services and materials for schools, youth-serving agencies and community-based programs. Your contribution is tax deductible and you will receive a letter of receipt acknowledging your gift. Each donation will be matched by a Richard O. Jacobson Foundation matching challenge grant.

Donate now

To make a donation by check, please make your check payable to Rock in Prevention and send it to:

Rock in Prevention
7628 Hickman Road
Des Moines, IA

Leave a Legacy

The option of leaving a legacy dedicated to the efforts of Rock in Prevention is possible through gift planning. Please contact us if you are interested in sustaining us into the future through a bequest, trust or other planned gift. Contact Executive Director Pat McManus at 515-255-0635.